
Non-familial paid caregivers as potential flu carriers and cause of spread: the primary prevention of flu measured through their adhesion to flu vaccination campaigns—A Florentine experience

Introduction: Influenza vaccination is recommended for caregivers of elderly people. In a study aimed at assessing the level of health literacy (HL) in a sample non-familial caregivers in the Florence Health District (Tuscany), data were collected regarding access and adherence to the flu vaccinatio...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Bonaccorsi, Guglielmo, Pieralli, Francesca, Innocenti, Maddalena, Milani, Chiara, Del Riccio, Marco, Bechini, Angela, Boccalini, Sara, Bonanni, Paolo, Lorini, Chiara
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Taylor & Francis 2019
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