
Changes in Absolute Contents of Compounds Affecting the Taste and Nutritional Properties of the Flesh of Three Plum Species Throughout Development

The characteristics of plum fruits of three different species were investigated throughout their development (including over-ripening). The content of primary and secondary metabolites was expressed as amount per gram DW (dry weight) and per fruit in order to obtain information about the balance bet...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Moscatello, Stefano, Frioni, Tommaso, Blasi, Francesca, Proietti, Simona, Pollini, Luna, Verducci, Giuseppa, Rosati, Adolfo, Walker, Robert P., Battistelli, Alberto, Cossignani, Lina, Famiani, Franco
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2019
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