
Barriers to integration of bioinformatics into undergraduate life sciences education: A national study of US life sciences faculty uncover significant barriers to integrating bioinformatics into undergraduate instruction

Bioinformatics, a discipline that combines aspects of biology, statistics, mathematics, and computer science, is becoming increasingly important for biological research. However, bioinformatics instruction is not yet generally integrated into undergraduate life sciences curricula. To understand why...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Williams, Jason J., Drew, Jennifer C., Galindo-Gonzalez, Sebastian, Robic, Srebrenka, Dinsdale, Elizabeth, Morgan, William R., Triplett, Eric W., Burnette, James M., Donovan, Samuel S., Fowlks, Edison R., Goodman, Anya L., Grandgenett, Nealy F., Goller, Carlos C., Hauser, Charles, Jungck, John R., Newman, Jeffrey D., Pearson, William R., Ryder, Elizabeth F., Sierk, Michael, Smith, Todd M., Tosado-Acevedo, Rafael, Tapprich, William, Tobin, Tammy C., Toro-Martínez, Arlín, Welch, Lonnie R., Wilson, Melissa A., Ebenbach, David, McWilliams, Mindy, Rosenwald, Anne G., Pauley, Mark A.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2019
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