
Clinical Validation of a Ray-Casting Analytical Dose Engine for Spot Scanning Proton Delivery Systems

PURPOSE: To describe and validate the dose calculation algorithm of an independent second-dose check software for spot scanning proton delivery systems with full width at half maximum between 5 and 14 mm and with a negligible spray component. METHODS: The analytical dose engine of our independent se...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Younkin, James E., Morales, Danairis Hernandez, Shen, Jiajian, Shan, Jie, Bues, Martin, Lentz, Jarrod M., Schild, Steven E., Stoker, Joshua B., Ding, Xiaoning, Liu, Wei
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: SAGE Publications 2019
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