
A Q fever outbreak associated to courier transport of pets

On August 3rd, 2017, a Q fever outbreak alert was issued at a courier company that in addition to urgent freight transport offered pet delivery services. The epidemiological investigation set the exposition period between June 1 and August 8. In this period, 180 workers from two operational platform...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Alonso, Eva, Eizaguirre, Domingo, Lopez-Etxaniz, Idoia, Olaizola, José Ignacio, Ocabo, Blanca, Barandika, Jesús Felix, Jado, Isabel, Álvarez-Alonso, Raquel, Hurtado, Ana, García-Pérez, Ana Luisa
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2019
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