
Assessment of the AQUIOS flow cytometer – An automated sample preparation system for CD4 lymphocyte PanLeucogating enumeration

BACKGROUND: Flow cytometry has been the approach of choice for enumerating and documenting CD4-cell decline in HIV monitoring. Beckman Coulter has developed a single platform test for CD4+ T-cell lymphocyte count and percentage using PanLeucogating (PLG) technology on the automated AQUIOS flow cytom...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Rhodes, Daniel, Carcelain, Guislaine, Keeney, Mike, Parizot, Christophe, Benjamins, Dominika, Genesta, Laurine, Zhang, Jin, Rohrbach, Justin, Lawrie, Denise, Glencross, Deborah K.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: AOSIS 2019
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