
T cells and immune functions of plasma extracellular vesicles are differentially modulated from adults to centenarians

Aging is a universal and complex process that affects all tissues and cells types, including immune cells, in a process known as immunosenescence. However, many aspects of immunosenescence are not completely understood, as the characteristics of the immune cells of nonagenarians and centenarians or...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Alberro, Ainhoa, Osorio-Querejeta, Iñaki, Sepúlveda, Lucía, Fernández-Eulate, Gorka, Mateo-Abad, Maider, Muñoz-Culla, Maider, Carregal-Romero, Susana, Matheu, Ander, Vergara, Itziar, López de Munain, Adolfo, Sáenz-Cuesta, Matías, Otaegui, David
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Impact Journals 2019
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