
Random Telegraph Noises from the Source Follower, the Photodiode Dark Current, and the Gate-Induced Sense Node Leakage in CMOS Image Sensors †

In this paper we present a systematic approach to sort out different types of random telegraph noises (RTN) in CMOS image sensors (CIS) by examining their dependencies on the transfer gate off-voltage, the reset gate off-voltage, the photodiode integration time, and the sense node charge retention t...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Chao, Calvin Yi-Ping, Yeh, Shang-Fu, Wu, Meng-Hsu, Chou, Kuo-Yu, Tu, Honyih, Lee, Chih-Lin, Yin, Chin, Paillet, Philippe, Goiffon, Vincent
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2019
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