
Genetic variants in the TORC2 gene promoter and their association with body measurement and carcass quality traits in Qinchuan cattle

The TORC2 gene is responsible for nutrient metabolism, gluconeogenesis, myogenesis and adipogenesis through the PI3K-Akt, AMPK, glucagon and insulin resistance signaling pathways. Sequencing of PCR amplicons explored three novel SNPs at loci g.16534694G>A, g.16535011C>T, and g.16535044A>T i...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Khan, Rajwali, Raza, Sayed Haidar Abbas, Guo, Hongfang, Xiaoyu, Wang, Sen, Wu, Suhail, Syed Muhammad, Rahman, Abdur, Ullah, Irfan, Abd El-Aziz, Ayman Hassan, Manzari, Zeinab, Alshawi, Akil, Zan, Linsen
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2020
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