
Production and Use of Recombinant Profilins Amb a 8, Art v 4, Bet v 2, and Phl p 12 for Allergenic Sensitization Studies

Four recombinant (r) allergens (rAmb a 8.0101, rArt v 4.0101, rBet v 2.0101, and rPhl p 12.0101) were successfully produced and used for sensitization studies. The allergens belong to the profilin family which is one of the most numerous allergen families. These four proteins represent allergens ori...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Cudowska, Beata, Kapingidza, A. Brenda, Pawłowicz, Magdalena, Pampuch, Agnieszka, Hyduke, Noah, Pote, Swanandi, Schlachter, Caleb R., Lebensztejn, Dariusz M., Chruszcz, Maksymilian, Kowal, Krzysztof
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2020
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