
Space invaders: Searching for invasive Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu) in a renowned Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) river

Humans have the ability to permanently alter aquatic ecosystems and the introduction of species is often the most serious alteration. Non‐native Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu) were identified in Miramichi Lake c. 2008, which is a headwater tributary to the Southwest Miramichi River, a renown...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: O'Sullivan, Antóin M., Samways, Kurt M., Perreault, Alysse, Hernandez, Cécilia, Gautreau, Mark D., Curry, R. Allen, Bernatchez, Louis
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2020
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