
Using novel acoustic and visual mapping tools to predict the small-scale spatial distribution of live biogenic reef framework in cold-water coral habitats

Cold-water corals form substantial biogenic habitats on continental shelves and in deep-sea areas with topographic highs, such as banks and seamounts. In the Atlantic, many reef and mound complexes are engineered by Lophelia pertusa, the dominant framework-forming coral. In this study, a variety of...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: De Clippele, L. H., Gafeira, J., Robert, K., Hennige, S., Lavaleye, M. S., Duineveld, G. C. A., Huvenne, V. A. I., Roberts, J. M.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2016
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