
Fuzzy modeling and global optimization to predict novel therapeutic targets in cancer cells

MOTIVATION: The elucidation of dysfunctional cellular processes that can induce the onset of a disease is a challenging issue from both the experimental and computational perspectives. Here we introduce a novel computational method based on the coupling between fuzzy logic modeling and a global opti...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Nobile, Marco S, Votta, Giuseppina, Palorini, Roberta, Spolaor, Simone, De Vitto, Humberto, Cazzaniga, Paolo, Ricciardiello, Francesca, Mauri, Giancarlo, Alberghina, Lilia, Chiaradonna, Ferdinando, Besozzi, Daniela
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2020
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