
Informations relatives aux psychotropes et à leurs adaptations éventuelles pour les patients souffrant de troubles psychiques en France pendant l’épidémie à SARS-CoV-2

The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic (SARS-CoV-2; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) has dramatic consequences on populations in terms of morbidity and mortality and in social terms, the general confinement of almost half of the world's population being a situation unprecedented in hi...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Javelot, H., Llorca, P.-M., Drapier, D., Fakra, E., Hingray, C., Meyer, G., Dizet, S., Egron, A., Straczek, C., Roser, M., Masson, M., Gaillard, R., Fossati, P., Haffen, E.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: L'Encéphale, Paris. 2020
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