
Impact of Medication Regimen Simplification on Medication Administration Times and Health Outcomes in Residential Aged Care: 12 Month Follow Up of the SIMPLER Randomized Controlled Trial

In the SImplification of Medications Prescribed to Long-tErm care Residents (SIMPLER) cluster-randomized controlled trial, we evaluated the impact of structured medication regimen simplification on medication administration times, falls, hospitalization, and mortality at 8 residential aged care faci...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Sluggett, Janet K., Hopkins, Ria E., Chen, Esa YH, Ilomäki, Jenni, Corlis, Megan, Van Emden, Jan, Hogan, Michelle, Caporale, Tessa, Ooi, Choon Ean, Hilmer, Sarah N., Bell, J. Simon
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2020
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