
Challenges to increase the AI and ET markets in Brazil

Artificial insemination (AI) and embryo transfer (ET) are the most widely used biotechnologies in the world with the goal of increasing genetic gain and improving reproductive efficiency of beef and dairy herds. The protocols for ovulation synchronization for timed AI (TAI) or ET (TET) are tools tha...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Baruselli, Pietro Sampaio, Catussi, Bruna Lima Chechin, de Abreu, Laís Ângelo, Elliff, Flavia Morag, da Silva, Laísa Garcia, Batista, Emiliana de Oliveira Santana
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Colégio Brasileiro de Reprodução Animal - CBRA 2019
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