
A modular framework for multiscale, multicellular, spatiotemporal modeling of acute primary viral infection and immune response in epithelial tissues and its application to drug therapy timing and effectiveness: A multiscale model of viral infection in epithelial tissues

Simulations of tissue-specific effects of primary acute viral infections like COVID-19 are essential for understanding disease outcomes and optimizing therapies. Such simulations need to support continuous updating in response to rapid advances in understanding of infection mechanisms, and parallel...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Sego, T.J., Aponte-Serrano, Josua O., Gianlupi, Juliano Ferrari, Heaps, Samuel R., Breithaupt, Kira, Brusch, Lutz, Crawshaw, Jessica, Osborne, James M., Quardokus, Ellen M., Plemper, Richard K., Glazier, James A.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 2020
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