
Lipidomics of human adipose tissue reveals diversity between body areas

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Adipose tissue plays a pivotal role in storing excess fat and its composition reflects the history of person’s lifestyle and metabolic health. Broad profiling of lipids with mass spectrometry has potential for uncovering new knowledge on the pathology of obesity, metabolic syndr...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Al-Sari, Naba, Suvitaival, Tommi, Mattila, Ismo, Ali, Ashfaq, Ahonen, Linda, Trost, Kajetan, Henriksen, Trine Foged, Pociot, Flemming, Dragsted, Lars Ove, Legido-Quigley, Cristina
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2020
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