
INTREPID II: protocol for a multistudy programme of research on untreated psychosis in India, Nigeria and Trinidad

INTRODUCTION: There are few robust and directly comparable studies of the epidemiology of psychotic disorders in the Global South. INTREPID II is designed to investigate variations in untreated psychotic disorders in the Global South in (1) incidence and presentation (2) 2-year course and outcome, (...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Roberts, Tessa, Gureje, Oye, Thara, Rangaswamy, Hutchinson, Gerard, Cohen, Alex, Weiss, Helen Anne, John, Sujit, Lee Pow, Joni, Donald, Casswina, Olley, Bola, Miguel Esponda, Georgina, Murray, Robin M, Morgan, Craig
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BMJ Publishing Group 2020
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