
Immediate parent-infant skin-to-skin study (IPISTOSS): study protocol of a randomised controlled trial on very preterm infants cared for in skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth and potential physiological, epigenetic, psychological and neurodevelopmental consequences

INTRODUCTION: In Scandinavia, 6% of infants are born preterm, before 37 gestational weeks. Instead of continuing in the in-utero environment, maturation needs to occur in a neonatal unit with support of vital functions, separated from the mother’s warmth, nutrition and other benefits. Preterm infant...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Linnér, Agnes, Westrup, Björn, Lode-Kolz, Karoline, Klemming, Stina, Lillieskold, Siri, Markhus Pike, Hanne, Morgan, Barak, Bergman, Nils Johannes, Rettedal, Siren, Jonas, Wibke
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BMJ Publishing Group 2020
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