
Monocomponent Photoinitiators based on Benzophenone-Carbazole Structure for LED Photoinitiating Systems and Application on 3D Printing

In this article, different substituents (benzoyl, acetyl, styryl) are introduced onto the carbazole scaffold to obtain 8 novel carbazole derivatives. Interestingly, a benzoyl substituent, connected to a carbazole group, could form a benzophenone moiety, which composes a monocomponent Type II benzoph...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Liu, Shaohui, Chen, Hong, Zhang, Yijun, Sun, Ke, Xu, Yangyang, Morlet-Savary, Fabrice, Graff, Bernadette, Noirbent, Guillaume, Pigot, Corentin, Brunel, Damien, Nechab, Malek, Gigmes, Didier, Xiao, Pu, Dumur, Frédéric, Lalevée, Jacques
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2020
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