
Seasonal nitrogen remobilization and the role of auxin transport in poplar trees

Seasonal nitrogen (N) cycling in Populus, involves bark storage proteins (BSPs) that accumulate in bark phloem parenchyma in the autumn and decline when shoot growth resumes in the spring. Little is known about the contribution of BSPs to growth or the signals regulating N remobilization from BSPs....

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Li, Gen, Lin, Rongshoung, Egekwu, Chioma, Blakeslee, Joshua, Lin, Jinshan, Pettengill, Emily, Murphy, Angus S, Peer, Wendy A, Islam, Nazrul, Babst, Benjamin A, Gao, Fei, Komarov, Sergey, Tai, Yuan-Chuan, Coleman, Gary D
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2020
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