
Chromokinesin KIF4A teams up with stathmin 1 to regulate abscission in a SUMO-dependent manner

Cell division ends when two daughter cells physically separate via abscission, the cleavage of the intercellular bridge. It is not clear how the anti-parallel microtubule bundles bridging daughter cells are severed. Here, we present a novel abscission mechanism. We identified chromokinesin KIF4A, wh...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Cuijpers, Sabine A. G., Willemstein, Edwin, Ruppert, Jan G., van Elsland, Daphne M., Earnshaw, William C., Vertegaal, Alfred C. O.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: The Company of Biologists Ltd 2020
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