
Effect of oxygen limitation on the enrichment of bacteria degrading either benzene or toluene and the identification of Malikia spinosa (Comamonadaceae) as prominent aerobic benzene-, toluene-, and ethylbenzene-degrading bacterium: enrichment, isolation and whole-genome analysis

The primary aims of this present study were to evaluate the effect of oxygen limitation on the bacterial community structure of enrichment cultures degrading either benzene or toluene and to clarify the role of Malikia-related bacteria in the aerobic degradation of BTEX compounds. Accordingly, paral...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Révész, Fruzsina, Farkas, Milán, Kriszt, Balázs, Szoboszlay, Sándor, Benedek, Tibor, Táncsics, András
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2020
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