
Two-portal video-assisted colopexy in the treatment of intussusception and prolapse of the descending colon in a lamb

A lamb presented with recurrent prolapse of the descending colon. On clinical examination, intussusception of the descending colon with the prolapse of a segment was verified. The external anal sphincter had a rupture, extending to the lacerated wound in the anus. The lamb underwent colopexy with th...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: ANTUNES, Bernardo Nascimento, TAVARES, Henrique Jonatha, LEAL, Marta Lizandra, FERANTI, João Pedro Scussel, BRUN, Maurício Veloso
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: The Japanese Society of Veterinary Science 2020
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