
The Mont Blanc Study: The effect of altitude on intra ocular pressure and central corneal thickness

The aim of the Mont Blanc Study was to investigate the relationship between intraocular pressure (IOP), central corneal thickness (CCT), and altitude in healthy subjects. Thirty-three eyes of 33 healthy volunteers (mean age: 24.8 years, 17 females) had their IOP measured with Perkins and I-Care tono...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Bruttini, Carlo, Verticchio Vercellin, Alice, Klersy, Catherine, De Silvestri, Annalisa, Tinelli, Carmine, Riva, Ivano, Oddone, Francesco, Katsanos, Andreas, Quaranta, Luciano
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2020
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