
Mélanome malin vulvaire: à propos d’un cas observé à l’Hôpital du Cinquantenaire de Lubumbashi

Primary malignant melanoma of the female genital tract is an extremely rare tumor. It most commonly affects the vulva then the cervix and the vagina. Vulvar cancer accounts for about 1% (all sites) of melanomas. In order of frequency, it occurs in the vagina, uterus and ovary. Less than 200 cases of...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Mukeya, Gabriel Kapya, Kakoka, Ivan Mwandwe, Mwansa, Joseph Chola, Kalau, Willy Arung
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: The African Field Epidemiology Network 2020
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