
Direct Epitaxial Growth of Polar (1 – x)HfO(2)–(x)ZrO(2) Ultrathin Films on Silicon

[Image: see text] Ultrathin Hf(1–x)Zr(x)O(2) films have attracted tremendous interest since they show ferroelectric behavior at the nanoscale, where other ferroelectrics fail to stabilize the polar state. Their promise to revolutionize the electronics landscape comes from the well-known Si compatibi...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Nukala, Pavan, Antoja-Lleonart, Jordi, Wei, Yingfen, Yedra, Lluis, Dkhil, Brahim, Noheda, Beatriz
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: American Chemical Society 2019
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