
Accelerating the performance of district health systems towards achieving UHC via twinning partnerships

BACKGROUND: A twinning partnership is a formal and substantive collaboration between two districts to improve their performance in providing primary healthcare services. The ‘win-win’ twinning partnership pairs are categorized under relatively high and low-performing districts. The purpose of this f...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Argaw, Mesele Damte, Desta, Binyam Fekadu, Kibret, Mengistu Asnake, Abebe, Melkamu Getu, Heyi, Wubishet Kebede, Mamo, Elias, Gebru, Tesfaye, Gelan, Chala, Tefera, Bekele Belayhun, Bele, Temesgen Ayehu
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2020
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