
Reproducibility across single-cell RNA-seq protocols for spatial ordering analysis

As newer single-cell protocols generate increasingly more cells at reduced sequencing depths, the value of a higher read depth may be overlooked. Using data from three different single-cell RNA-seq protocols that lend themselves to having either higher read depth (Smart-seq) or many cells (MARS-seq...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Seirup, Morten, Chu, Li-Fang, Sengupta, Srikumar, Leng, Ning, Browder, Hadley, Kapadia, Kevin, Shafer, Christina M., Duffin, Bret, Elwell, Angela L., Bolin, Jennifer M., Swanson, Scott, Stewart, Ron, Kendziorski, Christina, Thomson, James A., Bacher, Rhonda
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2020
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