
Immune response and endocytosis pathways are associated with the resilience against Alzheimer’s disease

Developing Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is influenced by multiple genetic variants that are involved in five major AD-pathways. Per individual, these pathways may differentially contribute to the modification of the AD-risk. The pathways involved in the resilience against AD have thus far been poorly ad...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Tesi, Niccolò, van der Lee, Sven J., Hulsman, Marc, Jansen, Iris E., Stringa, Najada, van Schoor, Natasja M., Scheltens, Philip, van der Flier, Wiesje M., Huisman, Martijn, Reinders, Marcel J. T., Holstege, Henne
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group UK 2020
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