
Closely related reovirus lab strains induce opposite expression of RIG-I/IFN-dependent versus -independent host genes, via mechanisms of slow replication versus polymorphisms in dsRNA binding σ3 respectively

The Dearing isolate of Mammalian orthoreovirus (T3D) is a prominent model of virus-host relationships and a candidate oncolytic virotherapy. Closely related laboratory strains of T3D, originating from the same ancestral T3D isolate, were recently found to exhibit significantly different oncolytic pr...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Mohamed, Adil, Konda, Prathyusha, Eaton, Heather E., Gujar, Shashi, Smiley, James R., Shmulevitz, Maya
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2020
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