
APC mutations in human colon lead to decreased neuroendocrine maturation of ALDH+ stem cells that alters GLP-2 and SST feedback signaling: Clue to a link between WNT and retinoic acid signalling in colon cancer development

APC mutations drive human colorectal cancer (CRC) development. A major contributing factor is colonic stem cell (SC) overpopulation. But, the mechanism has not been fully identified. A possible mechanism is the dysregulation of neuroendocrine cell (NEC) maturation by APC mutations because SCs and NE...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Zhang, Tao, Ahn, Koree, Emerick, Brooks, Modarai, Shirin R., Opdenaker, Lynn M., Palazzo, Juan, Schleiniger, Gilberto, Fields, Jeremy Z., Boman, Bruce M.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2020
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