
Effect of Bacillus–direct-fed microbial on leaky gut, serum peptide YY concentration, bone mineralization, and ammonia excretion in neonatal female turkey poults fed with a rye-based diet

Rye is high in nonstarch polysaccharides (NSP), a complex carbohydrate which cannot be digested by poultry as they lack the endogenous enzymes to do so. Exogenous carbohydrases must therefore be supplemented to avoid the antinutritional effects associated with a high NSP diet. The objectives of the...

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Autores principales: Tellez, G., Arreguin-Nava, M.A., Maguey, J.A., Michel, M.A., Latorre, J.D., Merino-Guzman, R., Hernandez-Velasco, X., Moore, P.A., Hargis, B.M., Tellez-Isaias, G.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Elsevier 2020
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