
PIWI-Like 1 and PIWI-Like 2 Expression in Breast Cancer

SIMPLE SUMMARY: A family of proteins, the PIWI proteins, play a crucial role in the regulation of the development of germ cells and self-preservation of so-called stem cells. Former studies have shown that these proteins can be over- or underrepresented (over-/underexpressed) in some cancers and, in...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Erber, Ramona, Meyer, Julia, Taubert, Helge, Fasching, Peter A., Wach, Sven, Häberle, Lothar, Gaß, Paul, Schulz-Wendtland, Rüdiger, Landgraf, Laura, Olbricht, Sabrina, Jung, Rudolf, Beckmann, Matthias W., Hartmann, Arndt, Ruebner, Matthias
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2020
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