
VADER: a variable dose-rate external (137)Cs irradiator for internal emitter and low dose rate studies

In the long term, (137)Cs is probably the most biologically important agent released in many accidental (or malicious) radiation disasters. It can enter the food chain, and be consumed, or, if present in the environment (e.g. from fallout), can provide external irradiation over prolonged times. In e...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Garty, Guy, Xu, Yanping, Johnson, Gary W., Smilenov, Lubomir B., Joseph, Simon K., Pujol-Canadell, Monica, Turner, Helen C., Ghandhi, Shanaz A., Wang, Qi, Shih, Rompin, Morton, Robert C., Cuniberti, David E., Morton, Shad R., Bueno-Beti, Carlos, Morgan, Thomas L., Caracappa, Peter F., Laiakis, Evagelia C., Fornace, Albert J., Amundson, Sally A., Brenner, David J.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group UK 2020
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