
Effect of Chlorophyll Hybrid Nanopigments from Broccoli Waste on Thermomechanical and Colour Behaviour of Polyester-Based Bionanocomposites

Natural dyes obtained from agro-food waste can be considered promising substitutes of synthetic dyes to be used in several applications. With this aim, in the present work, we studied the use of chlorophyll dye (CD) extracted from broccoli waste to obtain hybrid nanopigments based on calcined hydrot...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Micó-Vicent, Bàrbara, Ramos, Marina, Luzi, Francesca, Dominici, Franco, Viqueira, Valentín, Torre, Luigi, Jiménez, Alfonso, Puglia, Debora, Garrigós, María Carmen
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2020
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