
A comparative study of the ultrastructural characteristics of the mature spermatozoa of two fellodistomids Tergestia clonacantha and T. laticollis and contribution to the phylogenetic knowledge of the Gymnophalloidea

The ultrastructure of the mature spermatozoa of Tergestia clonacantha and T. laticollis collected from the digestive tracts of fishes from New Caledonia is described using transmission electron microscopy and compared to that of related species. The spermatozoa of the two species exhibit the general...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Ndiaye, Papa Ibnou, Marchand, Bernard, Bâ, Cheikh Tidiane, Justine, Jean-Lou, Bray, Rodney Alan, Quilichini, Yann
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: EDP Sciences 2020
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