
Informing Healthcare Decisions with Observational Research Assessing Causal Effect. An Official American Thoracic Society Research Statement

Rationale: Decisions in medicine are made on the basis of knowledge and reasoning, often in shared conversations with patients and families in consideration of clinical practice guideline recommendations, individual preferences, and individual goals. Observational studies can provide valuable knowle...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Gershon, Andrea S., Lindenauer, Peter K., Wilson, Kevin C., Rose, Louise, Walkey, Allan J., Sadatsafavi, Mohsen, Anstrom, Kevin J., Au, David H., Bender, Bruce G., Brookhart, M. Alan, Dweik, Raed A., Han, MeiLan K., Joo, Min J., Lavergne, Valery, Mehta, Anuj B., Miravitlles, Marc, Mularski, Richard A., Roche, Nicolas, Oren, Eyal, Riekert, Kristin A., Schoenberg, Noah C., Stukel, Therese A., Weiss, Curtis H., Wunsch, Hannah, Africk, Joel J.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: American Thoracic Society 2021
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