
The LaserFIB: new application opportunities combining a high-performance FIB-SEM with femtosecond laser processing in an integrated second chamber

The development of the femtosecond laser (fs laser) with its ability to provide extremely rapid athermal ablation of materials has initiated a renaissance in materials science. Sample milling rates for the fs laser are orders of magnitude greater than that of traditional focused ion beam (FIB) sourc...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Tordoff, Ben, Hartfield, Cheryl, Holwell, Andrew J., Hiller, Stephan, Kaestner, Marcus, Kelly, Stephen, Lee, Jaehan, Müller, Sascha, Perez-Willard, Fabian, Volkenandt, Tobias, White, Robin, Rodgers, Thomas
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Springer Singapore 2020
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