
Laboratory earthquake forecasting: A machine learning competition

Earthquake prediction, the long-sought holy grail of earthquake science, continues to confound Earth scientists. Could we make advances by crowdsourcing, drawing from the vast knowledge and creativity of the machine learning (ML) community? We used Google’s ML competition platform, Kaggle, to engage...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Johnson, Paul A., Rouet-Leduc, Bertrand, Pyrak-Nolte, Laura J., Beroza, Gregory C., Marone, Chris J., Hulbert, Claudia, Howard, Addison, Singer, Philipp, Gordeev, Dmitry, Karaflos, Dimosthenis, Levinson, Corey J., Pfeiffer, Pascal, Puk, Kin Ming, Reade, Walter
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: National Academy of Sciences 2021
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