
Sperm microRNAs confer depression susceptibility to offspring

Evidence that offspring traits can be shaped by parental life experiences in an epigenetically inherited manner paves a way for understanding the etiology of depression. Here, we show that F1 offspring born to F0 males of depression-like model are susceptible to depression-like symptoms at the molec...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Wang, Yanbo, Chen, Zhang-Peng, Hu, Huanhuan, Lei, Jieqiong, Zhou, Zhen, Yao, Bing, Chen, Li, Liang, Gaoli, Zhan, Shoubin, Zhu, Xiaoju, Jin, Fangfang, Ma, Rujun, Zhang, Jun, Liang, Hongwei, Xing, Ming, Chen, Xiao-Rui, Zhang, Chen-Yu, Zhu, Jing-Ning, Chen, Xi
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: American Association for the Advancement of Science 2021
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