
Neural Stem Cell-Based Therapies and Glioblastoma Management: Current Evidence and Clinical Challenges

Gliomas, which account for nearly a quarter of all primary CNS tumors, present significant contemporary therapeutic challenges, particularly the highest-grade variant (glioblastoma multiforme), which has an especially poor prognosis. These difficulties are due to the tumor’s aggressiveness and the a...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Benmelouka, Amira Yasmine, Munir, Malak, Sayed, Ahmed, Attia, Mohamed Salah, Ali, Mohamad M., Negida, Ahmed, Alghamdi, Badrah S., Kamal, Mohammad Amjad, Barreto, George E., Ashraf, Ghulam Md, Meshref, Mostafa, Bahbah, Eshak I.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2021
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