
The state of knowledge of young Italian medicolegal doctors on the law of provisions for informed consent and advance treatment directives: a multi-centric survey two years after the enactment of Law 219 of 2017

BACKGROUND. On 22 December 2017, Law No. 219 was approved in Italy entitled “Provisions on informed consent and advance treatment directives”. This article reports the results from a survey of the knowledge of medico-legal experts in Italy on these provisions, in addition to the ability of universit...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Bolcato, Matteo, Feola, Alessandro, Sanavio, Matteo, Amadasi, Alberto, Crenna, Stefano, Landi, Gianluca, Bonsignore, Alessandro, Tettamanti, Camilla
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Mattioli 1885 2021
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