
aDolescents gEnder surVey, rEsponsible coupLes evaluatiOn, and capacity building Project in India (DEVELOP): a study protocol

Domestic violence and assault (DVA) against women is a serious concern in India. This affects the health and wellbeing of victims and their dependents. Published evidence has documented a variety of reasons for such violence in Indian societies, paving a pathway to design, implement, and evaluate in...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Ahankari, Anand, Hayter, Mark, Whitfield, Clare, Ali, Parveen, Giridhari, Sneha, Tambe, Shruti, Kabra, Pratyush, Rayamane, Kranti, Ovseiko, Pavel
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: F1000 Research Limited 2021
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