
A Case of Vocal Cord Paralysis and Severe Hypocalcemia

Background: Tetany is the hallmark of hypocalcemia. Vocal cord paralysis is a rare presenting symptom of hypocalcemia, especially without signs of overt tetany or seizures. Clinical case: 18 year old man with history of iron deficiency anemia and dyslipidemia presented with aphasia, right sided uppe...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Iwuala, Sandra Omozehio, Kirupakaran, Johnathan, Trusty, Rhonda, Curry, Sumarah, Williams, Belinda, Daruwala, Orpah, Fenton, Franklyn, Bahtiyar, Gul, Rodriguez, Giovanna
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2021
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