
Personal Protective Equipment Adherence of Pediatric Resuscitation Team Members During the COVID-19 Pandemic

STUDY OBJECTIVE: During the COVID-19 pandemic, health care workers have had the highest risk of infection among essential workers. Although personal protective equipment (PPE) use is associated with lower infection rates, appropriate use of PPE has been variable among health care workers, even in se...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Alberto, Emily C., McCarthy, Kathleen H., Hamilton, Colleen A., Shalkevich, Jacob, Milestone, Zachary P., Izem, Rima, Fritzeen, Jennifer L., Marsic, Ivan, Sarcevic, Aleksandra, O’Connell, Karen J., Burd, Randall S.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: by the American College of Emergency Physicians. 2021
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