
Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived atrial cardiomyocytes carrying an SCN5A mutation identify nitric oxide signaling as a mediator of atrial fibrillation

Mutations in SCN5A, encoding the cardiac sodium channel, are linked with familial atrial fibrillation (AF) but the underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms and implications for therapy remain unclear. To characterize the pathogenesis of AF-linked SCN5A mutations, we generated patient-specific induced...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Hong, Liang, Zhang, Meihong, Ly, Olivia Thao, Chen, Hanna, Sridhar, Arvind, Lambers, Erin, Chalazan, Brandon, Youn, Seock-Won, Maienschein-Cline, Mark, Feferman, Leonid, Ong, Sang-Ging, Wu, Joseph C., Rehman, Jalees, Darbar, Dawood
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Elsevier 2021
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