
Ichthyofauna in the last free-flowing river of the Lower Iguaçu basin: the importance of tributaries for conservation of endemic species

The fish fauna from the Lower Iguaçu River and tributaries upstream of the Iguaçu Falls, the last free-flowing river stretch, were investigated. Twenty five sites in tributaries and the main channel were sampled between 2010 and 2016 using several kinds of fishing gear. The species were categorized...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Pini, Suelen Fernanda Ranucci, Makrakis, Maristela Cavicchioli, Neves, Mayara Pereira, Makrakis, Sergio, Shibatta, Oscar Akio, Kashiwaqui, Elaine Antoniassi Luiz
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Pensoft Publishers 2021
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