
Developing a Large-Scale Covid-19 Surveillance System to Reopen Campuses

To open campuses safely, the University of Pennsylvania (Penn) and its health system (UPHS), with six hospitals and hundreds of outpatient practices, needed to develop an early warning system to identify the infected and exposed among Penn and UPHS campus members — 70,000 faculty, staff, and student...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Mahraj, Katy, Chaiyachati, Krisda H., Asch, David A., Fala, Glenn, Do, David, Lam, Doreen, Miller, Amy, Mannion, Nancy, Stoloff, Vanessa, Halbritter, Ashlee, Huffenberger, Ann Marie, Shuttleworth, Julie, O’Donnell, Judith A., Green-McKenzie, Judith, Patel, Kash, Rosin, Roy, Kruse, Greg, Brennan, P.J., Volpp, Kevin G.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Massachusetts Medical Society 2021
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